Sunday 25 October 2009

A YEAR LATER...................

Well the CCSG has now been going for a year. After a number of false dawns, we have finally settled on the smallest shop in the UK! Do you think we will get in the Guinness Book of Records? Hope so!

What a journey it has been.....

Will the fridge fit in the shop? Or should we run the shop from the fridge?

A posse is going out to look at another small shop in Shropshire this week, which is also next to a pub, so we are looking forward to hearing all about it!

Another lively meeting last week and hopefully we will be popping the champagne corks in the next few weeks when we hear about planning! We literally cannot wait for Stan to be stood in the shop selling us all newspapers!

Dave now has all the books so fingers crossed he will be happy to join us as our new Treasurer!